Monday, June 13, 2011

Feature - Mister Freeze

"If I could feel anything, I would be jealous of your pain."

Duty: d8 -  Anything for Nora
Glory: d6None of this matters
Justice: d6 -  Fate is cruel
Love: d10 - My heart is cold
Power: d6 - Take what you can

Truth: d6 - Words are empty lies

Poison Ivy has a heart colder than mine - d6 
Two-Face knows the pain of cruel Fate - d6 
Catwoman is a viable source of diamonds - d8
The Batman knows the chill of loss - d6
Dr. O'Neill could be a worthy peer - d8
Lisa has a fool's bravado - d6

Jason would be wise to keep me happy - d4

Cryogenic Gun - d10 Limit: Gear
Spend a Plot Point to encase a character in ice in part or whole.

Cryogenic Suit - d6 Limit: Gear

Spend a Plot Point to Decrease an Exhausted or Angry Stress pool.

Genius - d8
Spend a Plot Point to Reveal that you’ve studied a subject and know its basics.
Earn a Plot Point and Add a d6 to Trouble when you assume others can’t follow your complicated thinking.

On a Mission - d10
Earn a Plot Point and Add a d6 to Trouble when you foolishly pursue your mission despite the risk. 
Spend a Plot Point to Reroll a die in a roll that directly contributes to your mission.

Nora Fries: 2d8 (research, love)

Arkham Asylum: 2d6 (twisted logic, eerie quiet)
Icehouse Laboratory: 2d6 (research cold)

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